Leveraging feedback

Today I pushed PhotoMeta 2.0 out of the door. I don't want to go into detail about what's new in this release. You can read about that in the press release or in the App Store.
When PhotoMeta was introduced in the App Store about 4 months ago, it was the first time I had an app with a built-in "Request a feature" button. I was pleasantly surprised when the requests started coming and after a couple of days I already had a couple of must-implement-in-the-next-version features.
In total I received about 30 feature requests and 90% of the changes in PhotoMeta 2.0 are based on these user requests. The feedback forced me to redesign a number of UI elements/layouts. The result is a more functional and at the same time slicker app that requires less taps to achieve to same goal.
There are still a lot of user requested PhotoMeta features to implement, but now I'm going to start working on a new version of GeoLogTag. One new feature will certainly be added: a "Request a feature" button!

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