Accessibility (VoiceOver)

My freshly released PhotoMeta app is the first one that has decent accessiblity support. And to be honest, I'm quite embarrased about that. This feature has been on the todo list of all my apps for a very long time, but I always found other features to be more important. That was a mistake.
All my apps are photography related and I assumed that blind and visually impaired people were not into photography. Man, was I wrong. In April I was contacted by Susan Krieger with the request to follow the Apple guidelines regarding accessibility to make my PhotoMeta app work more completely with VoiceOver gestures. I promised her to add it in the next version and she became an enthousiastic beta tester.
It turned out that adding VoiceOver support was pretty easy. Accessibility support is now a top priority for all my other apps and I encourage other app developers to do the same.

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